Freedom from Old british rule did not really free each state in India.  It did not give enough movement for the languages as political system was completely taken over by moronic hindi belt.  India can be compared to europe where each state in India represents each country in Europe.  Only difference is there is enough freedom for every language.  European union unlike Indian government is not enforcing a single language though english speakers are a majority.  Just like that India is not a single country but bunch of small countries like Karnataka, Maharashtra and the rest.  "Hindians" on the other hand are imposing hindi on other states.  Non - Hindi speakers are keeping themselves oblivious of injustice happenening almost everyday to them.  They have proved that by giving options of two languages Hindi and English, whilst both are alien languages for non - Hindi speaking belt; when it comes to most of the entrance exams in the governmental sectors although the educated and talented manpower is in the south.  This is giving undue advantage to Hindians.  political maneuvering is the trick that "hindians" are following.  During the late 1980s the fledging Janata Party, a contender for taking control of the Indian Government in the next election, was about to elect its President. Karnataka Chief Minister Ramakrishna Hegde was a leading candidate. A powerful politician like Hegde with proven administrative experience as chief minister would naturally be the choice for Prime Minister if he were to become Janata Party President and the Party were to form the Indian Government. This idea soured Hindi politicians of the party. They went on a covert campaign to besmirch Hegde and succeeded Seldom do leaders of one party smirch the name of another leader of the party; Hegde's case was a rare exception. This goes to show the extent Hindians would go to keep non-Hindians out of real power.  
and why do you think the railway projects and other millions of dollars worth projects goes to hindi speaking belt and hardly any to south.  
why is Indian government delaying according classical language status to Karnataka despite knowing it is an ancient language???
why did deve gowda had to step down and gujral assumed the position.  what was his trick ?
Gowda during his regime took up dooradarshan project.  it was destined to help farmers in India to improve by broadcasting several different programs in "hindi".  How on earth can expect you expect farmers who are in 99.99 percent cases in india are uneducated to know and understand hindi.  Devegowda made a slip and ordered the bulletins to be broadcasted in all local languages.  This was outrageous for Hindians.  There were only a small number of Hindians within the coalition but there were sizable numbers in Congress(I) which was supporting the coalition government from outside. They rallied enough support within a few months and in April 1997 Congress (I) gave an ultimatum that Gowda be ousted or they would withdraw support resulting in the collapse of the coalition government. They were not objecting to any of the government's major foreign or domestic policies, they were not objecting to any other minister in the cabinet, they were not asking for any ministerial position for Congress(I); their only demand was Deve Gowda out! They were willing to accept I. K. Gujral as Prime Minister. He was a light-weight politician from Hindi belt who had very few Members of Parliament from his party thus was never even considered for the Prime Minister position before. But he emerged as the only politician acceptable to the Hindian dominated Congress(I). They wanted to send a clear message to any non-Hindi politician who would dare to interfere in the Hindian hegemony of India. Gujral's selection sent the right message. The selection of Gujral to replace Gowda was a message no one could miss. Gowda wanted the government-controlled television to replace Hindi language agriculture bulletins by local language bulletins. Gujral used to be the Minister for Communications and Broadcasting in an earlier government. During his tenure in that position, he openly stated that television would be used to propagate Hindi, a differing view than Gowda's. For that "service" to Hindi he was now awarded the Prime Minister position and Gowda was "punished" for interfering in the use of government television to propagate and impose Hindi. The message was clear to all non-Hindi politicians aspiring for key posts in the Indian Government, "We (Hindians) may allow non-Hindian Prime Ministers if absolutely necessary but if he/she does anything against Hindian supremacy, we will depose him/her". The message was not lost on the formerly staunch opponent to Hindi imposition, the DMK Party of Tamil Nadu. During the past few years it has softened its stand on Hindi imposition; except for a few statements within Tamil Nadu it kept silent within the government. It is no accident that Maran, DMK President Karunanidhi's nephew and Minister for Industry, took his oath of office in English and not in Tamil while all Hindian ministers did so in Hindi. His ministry continues to base promotions and salary increments on the basis of passing Hindi examination. Karunanidhi, a one-time anti-Hindi stalwart, knows very well that if Maran or other DMK ministers interfere in the continued Hindi imposition in their ministries, their positions would not last for even a week.

The Deve Gowda episode demonstrates the extent of Hindian power in Indian politics and who really rules India. Narasimha rao of Andhra pradesh when he became the prime minister, Kamaraj, rajaji of tamil nadu were given the same treatment by not offering any positions despite knowing they were good bunch of leaders.  so the law yet to written in Indian constitution is India has to be ruled by Hindians and not Indians.


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